Thinking Again
Imagine for a moment: two strange men arrive on your doorstep, dressed very simply, having no food or money… but with divine authority, they heal the sick and even cast out demons! What does this all of this mean?
Reading: Mark 6:7-13
The following homily was preached to the student brothers during Compline. You can listen here or read below:
We hear today that Jesus sent the apostles out; and what did they do? They cast out many demons, and anointed the sick, and healed them. Just as we celebrate the sacrament of the anointing of the sick, they anointed the sick with oil and healed them. Just as today there are those who have entangled themselves with the occult and became possessed with demons and need exorcism, so did the twelve apostles cast out demons.
But what was the point of Jesus sending them out to do all of these things? Why did they exorcise? Why did they need to heal? Of course it is a good thing in itself to set someone free from their illnesses, or from a demonic possession; but was there a greater purpose for those, a greater significance?
They went out and proclaimed that people should repent. Jesus sent them out with authority over the spirits, yes, but perhaps it was for the sake of preaching repentance. The Greek word here is ‘metanoeō‘ – to think again. To think again of God’s work in our lives. If anyone would not listen to them that is if they refuse to repent, or refuse to receive God’s Messengers, what were the apostles to do? They were to even shake the dust off their feet as a sign of testimony against them. Yes, we preach the gospel – the good news – of a new kingdom, but we also preach the King; the King who has power over the demons, who commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him.
So, repent, my brothers: think again about where you have placed God in your heart. The Finger of God is upon you, the kingdom is in your midst. Jesus calls you too – he calls you to repent, he calls you to be baptized, and if you’re already baptized Jesus calls each and every one of us to proclaim him. We are called to turn the eyes of all nations away from all the things that have replaced God in their hearts.
We need to repent: we need to think again about God, to turn to Jesus – to the one who delivers us from all spiritual and bodily evil. By his becoming Man, by his obedient suffering and death, by his glorious Resurrection, these evils have no more power over us if we give all of our pain and suffering over to him. With him, we will overcome all of these evils.
Maybe there’s a small voice wondering, “Can I trust Jesus?” I invite you to think again to try to remember: have you heard a story about someone who was in great need of healing, or someone who is oppressed, maybe even by a demon? Have you heard those stories, and have you heard how they were healed in the name of Jesus? Even today, Jesus Christ lives and works in our lives, but we have to pay attention, we have to listen to him, and we need the gift of faith.
If maybe your heart has become dull to this reality and to these miracles, pray, my brothers. Maybe, like me, you have been a little worn out, and you let your guard down, letting your heart go astray and forgetting the wonders the Lord had worked even already in your lives. Let us turn now and ask for our hearts not to be hardened. Let us repent, my brothers. Let us repent and believe. It is only Jesus Christ who can work these wonders and free us from all evil.
Image: The Apostles’ Creed, from the ‘Compost et calendrier des bergers‘ (1493).
Margaret McGettrick
Loved this. Very helpful. Thank you.