Caribbean update: Hurricane Beryl

Caribbean update: Hurricane Beryl

Fr Clifton Harris OP sends the following update from the Caribbean:

The brethren in the Caribbean would like to thank all our friends and supporters for your prayers as our communities in Jamaica and Grenada were struck by Hurricane Beryl.

We are still assessing the damage, but we can reassure everyone that all of us are okay. Our houses and churches stood up in both Grenada and Jamaica.

There has been a little bit of damage at the Basic School in August Town: a couple of leaks in the roof, and some water blowing into the classrooms.

Our parishioners in Kingston got water for a few hours last night but the electricity is still down. Since yesterday we have been distributing care packages and food.

Thank you for your support, and please do continue to pray for us.

Our two newly-ordained friars, Fr Bede Mullens and (deacon) Br John Church will now be spending time in Jamaica: Br John will be there for the summer months, and Fr Bede will be there for the next three years. They will be reporting on the situation there in due course.

Please keep the communities there in your prayers, and our friars who minister to them. Any support you wish to give can be sent as a donation via the St Martin’s Missions page.

The Development Office manages the fundraising and communications of the Dominican Friars in Britain. You can contact us on

Comments (3)

  • Charles Hampton

    Fr Peter OP please accept my love and best wishes!

  • Ms. June Ross OP

    About to pray Compline & I.will include you all.
    Ms June Ross OP
    Lay Dominicans in
    Western Australia 🦘🦘

  • Paulette

    My love and prayers to all


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