DYM Advent Retreat: Silent in His Love
About the retreat
Advent is a time of waiting for the Lord. St Bernard taught that we ought not to think of just one coming of the Lord, through the Incarnation, but a threefold coming: the first was at the stable in Bethlehem; the last will be when Christ comes again in glory in the fulness of time; and between those two lies another, the hidden and interior coming of Christ into the human heart, to dwell within us and there to make his home.
Advent prompts us to reflect about how we wait for all three of these comings of the Lord. When we wait we are conscious of what we lack. It can increase our expectation and longing. But waiting can also generate disappointment, and doubt. The one for whom we wait might not come. Why is it taking so long? Why is God silent when we long for him most?
Over the course of this retreat we will explore these questions from the vantage point of different moments in salvation history. We will look at the waiting of the prophets and patriarchs, and the experiences of the apostles who lived with Christ on earth. We will also reflect on what followed, the concentration of Christian hope in the Church’s liturgical and devotional life, and finally the specific questions raised by our own day in 2023. As well as talks and meditations, there will be time for adoration and confession, and we will attend the Divine Office and Mass with the monks of Douai Abbey.
Who is it for?
The retreat is for any students and young professionals (18-35).
Date and Timings
Friday 15th – Sunday 17th December
The retreat will begin with vespers (evening prayer) at 6pm on the Friday and conclude after lunch on Sunday.
How to get there
Douai Abbey is a monastery of monks of the English Benedictine Congregation, under the patronage of Saint Edmund, King and Martyr, located outside Reading.
The nearest rail station is Midgham, a short taxi ride or 25 minute walk from the Abbey. If you are travelling by car and have space to offer a lift to others let us know. It may also be possible to arrange lifts from the station.
More information about how to reach the Abbey can be found on their website here: https://www.douaiabbey.org.uk/contact-us.php
Booking information
The retreat costs £60 for students and the unwaged and £120 for wage-earners. If you would like to attend but have financial difficulties for any reason please contact us. Bookings must be made by Friday 1st December. The full amount must be paid before your space is confirmed.
To receive the booking form, and if you have any further questions, please email us:
Br John: john.church@english.op.org or Br Jerome: jerome.johnson@english.op.org
Hello Brother John Bernard,
I’m a bit over 35 and was just wondering if the retreat is strictly for under 35 year olds.
Corinna Turner
Same question here!
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