New Vocations Guide by Fr Nicholas Crowe OP
What does God want you to do with your life? How do you know?
In a new booklet published by the Catholic Truth Society, the prior of Blackfriars Oxford, Fr Nicholas Crowe OP, tackles some of the common difficulties experienced in attempting to discern one’s vocation, and explains how everyone can live a life that is holy and pleasing to God, even if you don’t know what God wants you to do.
In this pocket-sized guide, Fr Nicholas says:
“Our life is a gift of love from our heavenly Father: our task is to offer Him a gift of love in return as a sign of our gratitude. This is the frame through which to view our vocational choices: we are little children offering our heavenly Father a gift. More important, then, than what we choose is the love with which our gift is offered. Perhaps, objectively speaking, our life might seem unimpressive or even an ugly mess. But if we offer up our life as a gift of love, then our gift will be welcomed with joy. It is by loving that we fulfil our vocation.”
Fr Nicholas expanded on this at the time of its launch, to explain his motivation in writing this booklet:
“The idea that ‘everyone has a vocation’ has been in circulation for some time now thanks to the Second Vatican Council and the writings of the post-conciliar Popes. Many Catholics have been inspired by the thought that each and every one of us is called by name by God, whatever their state of life; yet others have found the message puzzling and perhaps even frightening. CTS asked me to explore this question of what it means to have a divine vocation, paying particular attention to the needs of those who feel confused by the notion or paralysed in their vocational choices. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my ideas with a wider audience, and hope that people will find this booklet useful.”
Special Interview
A special podcast interview with Fr Nicholas, exploring deeply the theme of vocation, has been released by the CTS, and is available at their website, along with previews of the inside of the booklet.
i consider myself lucky to be able to get hold of this guidance the book intent