This week: Discover our Mission in Jamaica
Our brother Fr Clifton Harris OP is visiting England this week, and this is a great opportunity for you to hear him speak about the friars’ work in the Caribbean (see below).
Not many people know that the Dominican Province of England has two houses in the Caribbean, on Grenada and Jamaica, supported financially by fundraising undertaken in the UK (under the name ‘St Martin’s Missions‘).
Mission to the Poorest
Fr Clifton ministers to the people of Jamaica, including to August Town, one of the poorest areas and one which is rife with gun crime. Young people in the youth group have spoken of losing family members to violence at the hands of criminals in the local community, who can commit such crimes with impunity.
The friars’ ministry in Jamaica includes providing food to the poorest families, assisting children and young adults pastorally and financially to stay in education, and teaching lay leaders and future ministers in St Michael’s Seminary.
This is a crucial time for our mission there, with local vocations beginning to appear and needing nurturing through a pre-noviciate year where they can experience our Dominican way of life and receive formation. In order to do this, and meet other pressing needs, we need to increase the amount we fundraise annually by an additional £25,000.
Hear Fr Clifton Speak
Fr Clifton will speak on the challenges and rewards of proclaiming the Good News to the poor (Luke 4:18), and share moving and inspiring stories of the people he serves.
- This Thursday evening, 2 November, Fr Clifton will speak at Blackfriars, St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LY at 7.30pm. All welcome.
- This weekend: 4/5 November, Fr Clifton will be speaking at all Sunday Masses at St Dominic’s (the Rosary Shrine), Southampton Road, London NW5 4LB.
Videos about the Caribbean Mission
We recently launched a moving 17-minute video explaining the challenges and blessings of the friars’ apostolate in Jamaica and Grenada, featuring the voices of the friars who serve there, and the people they work with and minister to.
- Short preview clips can be seen below
- Watch the full video at www.english.op.org/missions
> Watch the Full Video (17 minutes) <
St Martin de Porres, Pray for Us
This Friday, 3rd November, is the feast of St Martin de Porres under whose patronage we place the fundraising for our brothers in the Caribbean.
Could you please remember to pray for their financial support on this day?