Visiting our brothers and sisters in Iraq
Two friars from Britain and America report movingly on their recent visit to Iraq.
The current suffering of the people of Iraq is sadly a regular theme in news headlines. However the Dominican family throughout the world feels this suffering especially keenly due to the presence there of members of our Order.
Timothy Radcliffe OP of our Province and Brian Pierce OP of St Martin de Porres Province – travelled recently to Iraq at the invitation of Amir Jaje OP, the Vicar of the Arabic Vicariate of the Province of France.
Their report is a moving testimony to the plight of so many whose lives are deeply affected by violence, the loss of homes and loved ones, and a future full of uncertainty. And yet it also witnesses to the warmth and hospitality of ordinary men and women of all religions.
Read their report on the international Dominican website, www.op.org