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  /    /  Christmas Donations to the Dominicans

Christmas Donations to the Dominicans

Use this secure form to make your Christmas offering to the Dominican Friars. You can choose which of our communities of friars to support.

If you have trouble using the form, please contact us.

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Secure Donation Form: Christmas Offering



We welcome brief comments on why you are donating, requests for prayers, etc. 
Please note: Any messages you send will be received by the Development Office, stored in our databases, and forwarded to others where appropriate.  Sensitive personal information should not be sent.
Gift Aid   UK Taxpayer?  Boost your gift by 25%!

Declaration: I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less income tax and/or Capital Gains tax in a tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your home address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer. Please notify us if your situation changes.
The English Province of the Order of Preachers (the Dominicans) is a charity registered in England and Wales (231192) and in Scotland (SC039062).

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Your Contact Details

Please do not submit shared email addresses; one email address for one individual, please. 

Keeping in touch

Privacy Notice
You are sending us your personal data. This quick summary says how we store and use it.


Your personal data are stored securely by us and used for communications and fundraising in support of our mission. We comply with current UK regulations on personal data, communications, and privacy. We only share personal data outside our organisation for specific and limited purposes, subject to strict safeguards (e.g. with printers, email service providers, statutory bodies). We use some secure third-party data processors whose servers store data outside the UK but fully comply with UK regulations. 



We consider our relationship with friends, donors and supporters to be life-long and we will retain much of your data indefinitely unless you request otherwise. 



You can ask to view, correct or erase your data at any time, and are free to withdraw any consents you give. You can complain to the UK Fundraising Regulator if we fail to respect your rights. Please note that in some cases we may be unable to erase your data if retention is required to meet our legal obligations.



News. If you want to receive news mailings from us, you must opt in to one of our mailing lists. You can do this via our website.

Appeals. We may wish to send you occasional fundraising communications by post. You are free to get these by email instead, or to opt out altogether by selecting one of the options below. 


We research our contacts to discover those who may have the ability to offer larger gifts, using public-domain sources (e.g. internet searches). Sometimes we may use a secure third-party research service to develop our understanding of those we suspect of falling into this group: their interests, financial capacity, social networks, philanthropy. This information makes it more likely that our fundraising approaches will be welcomed and appropriate.



Got any questions? Feel free to contact the Data Protection Coordinator: c/o the Development Office at the address below or email  

Data Controller: The English Province of the Order of Preachers, Blackfriars, St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LY. Charity registered in England and Wales (231192) and in Scotland (SC039062).


Version: WEB-3

Published: 17 January 2023

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Secure Payment
We accept all major credit and debit cards, except American Express.
Payment Card Information