Clenched Fist or Open Hand?
Fifth Sunday of the Year. Fr Vivian Boland preaches on a stark choice.
With a range of imagery the Bible speaks about a choice presented by the Word of God to those who hear it.
According to the Book of Deuteronomy the choice to observe the commandments of God or not to observe them is a choice between life and death, between a blessing and a curse. For much of the ‘wisdom literature’ the choice is between walking in the way of wisdom or descending the path of foolishness, depending on how we relate to others and to God.
In his preaching Jesus speaks more starkly of this choice. It is between a narrow gate opening onto a hard road and an easy and broad road which leads, however, to perdition (Matt 7:13-14). Paul contrasts life according to the Spirit and life according to the flesh, while John is fond of the imagery of light and darkness.
This Sunday’s readings give us a physical and very concrete image for the choice we face between two contrasting ways of living: the clenched fist and the open hand.
Think of the difference between being confronted with a clenched fist and being offered an open hand. The clenched fist signifies threat, rejection, arrogance, exclusion, refusal, anger and violence. The open hand means friendship, help, peace, sharing, communication and connection.
Isaiah encourages his listeners to ‘do away with the yoke, the clenched fist, the wicked word’, and to do it by ‘sharing your bread with the hungry and clothing the man you see to be naked’. Psalm 111 continues the theme: ‘the good man takes pity and lends ? is generous, merciful and just ? open-handed he gives to the poor.’
Where the clenched fist is ungenerous, unreceptive and closes things down, the open hand is generous, welcoming and vulnerable.
Paul pleads his own openness and vulnerability among the Corinthians. I was with you in fear and trembling, he says, and in my preaching I avoided the complexities of ‘philosophy’. ‘All I knew among you,’ he continues, ‘was Jesus as the crucified Christ.’
The crucified Christ opened his hands and arms and heart on the cross to give us the definitive revelation of God. This heart open to the world contains a love beyond all expectation and beyond any natural hope, a love beyond any singing or telling of it. The God who opens wide his hand to satisfy the desires of all who live (Ps 145) has now opened wide his heart to bring to eternal life all whom He has chosen (Eph 1:11).
There may be many reasons why, at times, we choose the way of the clenched fist rather than the open hand: hurt and disappointment, tiredness and indifference, fear and misunderstanding, selfishness and disdain.
Whatever the reasons, the clenched fist always involves turning from our own kin and denying, in effect, that others are of the same kin. The open hand, however, means turning towards others as our kin, fellow human creatures, brothers and sisters, children of the same heavenly Father sharing a common call and a common hope.
Just as the presence of salt and light cannot be hidden and their absence will be noticed, the kindness of the good person cannot be denied and the shock of the clenched fist will stop us in our tracks. The good works of the open-handed shine forth so that people might praise the Father for the holiness they glimpse in His creatures. We have come to know that this is what God is like, causing his sun to rise on bad and as well as good, and his rain to fall on honest as on dishonest people (Matt 5:45).
In many parts of the world the sign of peace at Mass is a simple handshake and often its exchange is perfunctory and lazy. But it symbolises something crucial, the difference between two ways of approaching our neighbour and of approaching life.
Are we to turn in and close ourselves away, hardening our heart and clenching our fist? Or are we to follow Christ by opening our hands and our hearts, by reaching out to others in generosity and justice? What is the point in opening our hands in prayer to God if we do not lend a hand of kindness to our brothers and sisters in their need?
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A Website Visitor
Outstanding analogies lines up with The WORD perfectly
A Website Visitor
Very informative. Thanks