Ordinations in July – invitation
The English Province of the Order of Preachers invites you to the ordination of their brothers
Br. Thomas Thérèse Mannion, OP
to the priesthood
Br. Bede Mullens, OP
to the diaconate
Saturday, 8th July 2023, 12 noon, Blackfriars, Oxford. OX1 3LY
by Rt. Rev. Mark Davies, Bishop of Shrewsbury
- Priests wishing to concelebrate should bring an alb and white stole
- A reception will follow in the Priory
- Please be advised that car parking in central Oxford is limited and expensive. Other options include the Park and Ride, buses and coaches, and the train.
First Mass
Br. Thomas will celebrate his First Mass of Thanksgiving on
Sunday, 9th of July 2023, 9:30am, Blackfriars, Oxford. OX1 3LY
- Priests wishing to concelebrate should bring an alb and a white stole
Jane Caws
God bless you all.
Jonathan Loftus
What fantastic news, thank God for our Priests. God bless Brother Thomas and Brother Bede
Mary Therese Gans
Such wonderful news! Thanks be to God. And every grace and blessing on these beloved new preists. 🙏💕🌹
Robert Steele
May God bless you both and may you be filled with the Holy Spirit. Will be praying for you on the day.
Can’t wait to share this very special occasion with you Thomas. Who knew as a young Altar Server in our parish you would one day celebrate Mass with us God bless you both x
Nancy de Flon
God bless you, Br Thomas and Br Bede!
Joanna Mary
Sending our love from across the pond in America, and on this joyous and momentous occasion we offer our prayers. God bless these men.
Veronica Buckley
Looking forward to this very special occasion and thank you for my invitation. Lots of love and prayers to both Brother Thomas and Brother Bede
Maureen Darcy
Praying for you both from Tipperary. God bless your life in service to the one true God.
Edgar J. de Souza
Greetings from Malaysia! My prayers are with you Brothers Thomas and Bede.
Sister Teresa (English Dominican Congregation)
Thank you very much, look forward to the ordinations and be assured of my prayers as you both prepare for the great day.
Andrew Byrne
Congratulations Brother Bede on your ordination to the diaconate earlier this month. Remembering you and your brothers very much in my Mass. And may you be many more!
Fr Andrew