Torch provides a new Catholic homily each week written specially for this web site by Dominican friars, and read by followers worldwide. Read more.
The Acceptable Sacrifice
Corpus Christ. Fr Gregory Pearson suggests that the Eucharist helps us to understand the scriptures' ambivalence about sacrifice. (Sermons for
In the Heart of God
Trinity Sunday. Fr Richard Joseph Ounsworth suggests that Trinitarian faith gives us the courage to be humble. While it might be
Diversity in Unity
Pentecost. Fr Bruno Clifton offers a fresh understanding of the link between today's Solemnity and the story of Babel. In many
Unity and Peace
Seventh Sunday of Easter. Fr John Patrick Kenrick traces the relationship between Christian disunity and war. Our sermon for the
Called in Hope
The Solemnity of the Ascension. Br Albert Robertson suggests that the Ascension is more than 'happily ever after'. The Feast of
Another Advocate
Sixth Sunday of Easter. Fr Martin Ganeri preaches on the manifold workings of the Spirit. I have said these things to
Into the Darkness
Fifth Sunday of Easter. Fr Dermot Morrin preaches on ultimate love. When Judas had gone out, it was night. Judas walked
Hope and Realism
Fourth Sunday of Easter. Fr Robert Ombres preaches on Christ the Good Shepherd. As Christians, when we face difficulties we may
On This Rock
Third Sunday of Easter. Fr Leo Edgar draws attention to the Pope's call for Easter values to transform the world. Every
Present in Person, in the Church, in Glory
Second Sunday of Easter (Low Sunday). Fr Colin Carr preaches on how Christ touches our lives, dramatically or otherwise. It was
All in the Early Morning Grey
Easter Day. Fr Richard Conrad preaches on the unending eighth day. (Our sermons for Holy Thursday and Good Friday may
I Can Be Healed
Good Friday. Fr Robert Gay urges us not to be mere spectators. (Our sermons for Holy Thursday and Easter Day