Torch provides a new Catholic homily each week written specially for this web site by Dominican friars, and read by followers worldwide. Read more.
A New Creation
Fifth Sunday of the Year. Fr Allan White suggests that Jesus came to do more than heal the sick. Jewish understanding
What’s It All About
Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time. Fr John Patrick Kenrick preaches on the righteous anger of God. Many human beings get irritated
Living Provisionally
Third Sunday of the Year. Fr Robert Ombres considers what it costs to follow Christ. The readings for Mass today may
What do you seek?
Second Sunday of the Year. Fr Martin Ganeri invites us to imitate the desires of the first disciples. Jesus turned, and
A Baptism for Repentance
The Baptism of the Lord. Fr Dermot Morrin preaches on how Jesus's baptism shows forth his identity and his mission. In
A Word of Friendship
Second Sunday of Christmas. Fr Richard Conrad unfolds some of the mysteries of St John's Gospel. Today’s Gospel can be summed
A Normal Family
Feast of the Holy Family. Fr Leo Edgar wonders whatever happened to a normal family Christmas. Our preparation for the celebration
Bringers of Light
Christmas Day. Most Rev Malcolm McMahon OP preaches on the readings for the Daytime Mass. At the beginning of St John’s
Not Afraid to Ask
Fourth Sunday of Advent | Fr Richard Joseph Ounsworth urges us to imitate Our Lady in her theological curiosity. Our Lady
Sing and Rejoice
Third Sunday of Advent. Fr Colin Carr suggests that a cheerful attitude is essential in building the Kingdom. Advent is a
In the Wilderness
Second Sunday of Advent. Fr Robert Gay considers what it takes to survive in the desert. The wilderness, that place mentioned
What are we waiting for?
First Sunday of Advent. Fr Sam Burke considers the Lord's command to stay awake. A slightly irreverent confession: whenever I hear