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The parable of Lazarus is one of the most famous texts of the Gospel of St. Luke and does not

Third Sunday of Lent. Even Fr Richard Joseph Ounsworth finds that the British stiff upper lip has its limits. We are

A hero of St Bede’s Ecclesiastical History exemplifies the missionary spirit that should animate the Church today.   Reading: Romans 12:3-13; Luke

Second Sunday of Lent. Fr Gregory Pearson ponders on the appearance of the transfiguration story in this Lenten season. What is

What does it mean to listen to the heart? And what is the definition of success for a Christian? Readings: Luke

First Sunday of Lent. Fr Leo Edgar suggests that our Lenten preparation can be aided by our certain confidence in

Ash Wednesday. Fr Bruno Clifton suggests that we make this Lent a time of preparation for celebration and for justice. A

Christ's rebuke of Peter reveals three powerful principles for confronting temptation: we must always know our predominant weakness, we must

Seventh Sunday of the Year. Fr Albert Robertson ponders the dangers of fighting evil with evil. It might strike us as

Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time. Fr Martin Ganeri relates the Wisdom of God to the teachings of Christ. But we impart

The Syrophoenician woman teaches us to seek the Lord in any condition of our lives, trusting the Lord in admitting our

The Presentation narrative points us backwards and forwards in Scripture. Might this help us ponder its paradoxes?   Reading: Hebrews 2:14-18 The following

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