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Whilst I have always been a Catholic, for most of my life I had great difficulty in seeing myself as

"Peter began to say to him, "Lo, we have left everything and followed you." Jesus said, "Truly, I say to

On 2 November, the Master of Ceremonies at Blackfriars, Oxford puts up a notice saying: "Remember, remember the second of

To mark the end of our commentary on the Creed, which we've been publishing on Godzdogz since April this year,

Thirty-First Sunday of the Year. Fr Dominic White invites us to open ourselves to Christ's transforming gaze. I was travelling on

Maybe it is only when someone actually dies that the full strangeness of these words hits us. The creed’s words

The end of the Creed – the symbol of our Faith – reflects the end towards which our faith is

Solemnity of All Saints. Fr Aelred Connelly finds inspiration for the Church Militant in the manifold examples offered by the

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