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Solemnity of SS Peter and Paul. Fr Bruno Clifton reminds us that we do not begin the Christian journey as

Twelfth Sunday of the Year. Fr Albert Robertson invites us to give Christ control over our lives. Our Old Testament reading

What is the point of all those strange moral rules the Church has? Why bother about them?  Reading: Matthew 5:20-26 The following homily

Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary Time. Fr Martin Ganeri preaches on the parable of the mustard seed. The parables that Christ gives

The social upheavals and intellectual revolutions of the 20th century have produced continued pressure on theologians to reimagine the shape

Christ's washing of the disciples' feet, which the Church re-presents each year on Maundy Thursday, is intimately connected with the

Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time. Fr Allan White considers how Christ's preparation of a new temple challenges those who love

‘What do you want me to do for you?’ Br Augustine wonders how we might begin to answer Jesus’ question. Readings:

Solemnity of Corpus Christi. Br Bede Mullens meditates on the eternal presence and power of Christ's once-for-all sacrifice. A powerful strain

On a sunny bank holiday weekend, Allen Hall seminarians made a trip to Oxford to take on the Blackfriars studium

Br Reginald reflects on Christ as eternal high priest and how the incarnation fulfills our priestly nature. Reading: Jer 31:31-34 The following

The Dominican Friars’ mission over eight centuries has been supported by many gifts left in people’s Wills. Today such gifts

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