Time and Time Again
Today is the feast-day of a building. It is also, in a special way, our feast-day. How? Readings: Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12; 1
Love Without Borders
Thirty-Second Sunday of the Year. On this Remembrance Sunday, Fr Simon Gaine reminds us that the power of God's love
Love in Return for Love
Thirty-first Sunday of the Year. Fr Gregory Pearson preaches on the source of all true authority. What’s the problem with the
Bearing Burdens for the Dead
We hear today that Jesus descended from heaven to do the Father’s will, i.e., to give eternal life to those
This week: Discover our Mission in Jamaica
Our brother Fr Clifton Harris OP is visiting England this week, and this is a great opportunity for you to
Hope Does Not Disappoint
Solemnity of All Saints. Fr Leo Edgar relates today's feast to tomorrow's commemoration of All Souls. The events that have taken
DYM Advent Retreat: Silent in His Love
About the retreat Advent is a time of waiting for the Lord. St Bernard taught that we ought not to think
Peace and Division
Jesus says, in today's Gospel, that he has come to bring division, not peace [Lk 12]. But he says elsewhere
Go and Do Likewise
Thirtieth Sunday of the Year. Fr Bruno Clifton preaches on love of neighbour. ‘You must not molest the stranger or oppress
The pitfalls of the student
Jesus rebukes the lawyers for taking away the 'key of knowledge'. How might this rebuke help students, particularly Dominican ones,
Seeing to the Heart
Twenty-ninth Sunday of the Year. Fr Albert Robertson preaches on the strange coalition of Christ's enemies. We are so used to
The Kiss of God
Have you ever thought of the Holy Spirit as God’s kiss? Reading: Luke 11:5-13 The following homily was preached to the student