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Easter Sunday. Fr David Rocks responds to the desire of those who seek to see Jesus. Just over forty days ago

Good Friday. Fr John Patrick Kenrick preaches on the meaning of the Cross. Each of the accounts of Jesus’s passion is

Not many people are aware of the democratic nature of the Dominican Order, which operates in many ways like a

Holy Thursday. Fr Euan Marley suggests that a life of loving service is an eternal liturgy. Some years ago, a brother

About the week "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that

Palm Sunday. Fr Toby Lees preaches on the importance of playing. When someone completes a task with real ease, you might

Fifth Sunday of Lent. Fr Robert Verrill preaches on the meaning of Christ's 'Hour'. Before entering the Dominican Order, I worked

How does the mute man's speech relate to the unity of the Kingdom?   Reading: Luke 11:14-23 The following homily was preached to

Fourth Sunday of Lent. Fr John O'Connor considers how the Cross demands that we face up to reality. The poet TS

Dominican Retreat - Pilgrimage to Spain - Visiting the great Dominican houses of Castilla y Leon We are pleased to advertise

The prophet Jeremiah curses the one who puts his trust in man, and blesses the one who puts his trust

Third Sunday of Lent. Fr Benedict Jonak considers the role of emotions in Christ's life, and in ours. From the little

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