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The Solemnity of Pentecost. Fr Dermot Morrin preaches on the one single mystery of Christ. The disciples feel his breath and

While our Lord's Ascension reveals his transcendence, it also reveals to us his immanence. God is closer to us than

Seventh Sunday of Easter. Fr Robert Ombres reminds us that our salvation is a victory in which we are active

The Solemnity of the Ascension. Fr Colin Carr ponders the meaning of Christ's heavenly exaltation. One of the features of some

St Athanasius was an impassioned theologian of the Incarnation of the divine Logos. How does his theology illumine Our Lord's

Sixth Sunday of Easter. Fr Luke Doherty considers how we can be friends with God. When we consider what makes a

Mark’s Gospel is written to tell the story not only of Jesus in his own life, but of our lives

Fifth Sunday of Easter. Fr Timothy Radcliffe preaches on how God prunes our lives. My grandmother would venture out with her

In a new 6-minute video, Fr Clifton Harris OP gives the latest news from the Dominican mission houses in Jamaica

Fourth Sunday of Easter. Fr Richard Conrad preaches on a more shocking aspect of the image of the Good Shepherd. In

About the day St Paul's letters to the Romans and Galatians raise some of the most important, difficult, and contentious questions

With joy, the brothers announce the election of a new Prior Provincial, Fr Nicholas Paul Crowe OP, who was elected

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