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Has Jesus come to bring peace or consuming fire? Reading: Luke 12:49-53 The following homily was preached during compline. You can watch

Thirtieth Sunday of the Year. Fr Leon Pereira calls upon Christians to see and proclaim the truth. In Ireland recently a

About the retreat In his first letter, St Peter says we must always be ready to give an account of the

Twenty-Ninth Sunday of the Year. Fr Joseph Bailham wonders how God can take pleasure in suffering. The first reading this Sunday

Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year. Fr Nicholas Crowe considers the challenge posed to the rich young man.   Last week Jesus had

Well-known friar of the English Province, Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP, is to be made a cardinal by Pope Francis in

Twenty-Seventh Sunday of the Year. Fr Richard Finn places Christ's teaching on marriage within its biblical context. Where can we find

About the day Our tendency to compartmentalise life can perhaps mean that for some the Liturgy ends when we say “Thanks

As a newly ordained deacon, Br John spent July and August working in our parishes in Jamaica, and here shares

Twenty-sixth Sunday of the Year. Fr Peter Harries preaches on some surprising teaching of Christ. On Sundays we hear the gospel

Twenty-fifth Sunday of the Year. Fr Benjamin Earl urges us to listen attentively to the Lord. Today’s gospel passage describes two

Twenty-Fourth Sunday of the Year. Fr Thomas Mannion reminds us of the bodily reality of Christ and of our own

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