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About the weekend Why did Jesus have to die for our salvation? Couldn't God have just forgiven us? Would Jesus have

The Gospel tells us to listen carefully to God’s word because it is alive and transformative. Like poetry, it shapes

The Presentation of the Lord. Cardinal Timothy Radcliffe encourages us to look forward with hope. The great feasts of our faith

‘The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus’ - Evangelii Gaudium Readings: Hebrews 7:25-8:6; Mark

Third Sunday of the Year. Fr Robert Ombres considers the difference between overhearing and truly listening. Imagine going to a park

Second Sunday of the Year. Fr Aidan Nichols considers the role of Our Lady in the story of the wedding

About the week “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that

About the day The day will explore the relationship between faith and science, countering common misconceptions, with special attention given to

The Baptism of the Lord. Fr Samuel Burke preaches on the human and superhuman need for baptism. Saint Luke’s Gospel describes

The Epiphany. Fr Colin Carr encourages us to see what's in front of us. We don’t always see what’s going on

Feast of the Holy Family. Fr Richard Conrad uncovers the profound theological meaning of today's feast. When we venerate Jesus’s Family,

Christmas Day. Fr Robert Gay reminds us of the hope offered by the Christ-Child. We’re told that in much of the

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