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Fr Bede was ordained priest in July 2024. Currently, he lives and works in Kingston, Jamaica, as a school teacher, university chaplain, and Master of Pre-Novices.

Sixth Sunday of the Year. Fr Bede Mullens shows how the life of the beatitudes is a lot more than

Solemnity of Corpus Christi. Br Bede Mullens meditates on the eternal presence and power of Christ's once-for-all sacrifice. A powerful strain

Mark’s Gospel is written to tell the story not only of Jesus in his own life, but of our lives

The friendship of David and Jonathan offers an image of God’s free and totally personal love for each of us

Have you ever thought of the Holy Spirit as God’s kiss? Reading: Luke 11:5-13 The following homily was preached to the student

Twenty-seventh Sunday of the Year. Br Bede Mullens traces a line from Eden to Calvary. ‘The best-laid plans of mice and

St Paul teaches that Christian worship is ‘wordy worship’: this, Christ models for us by his priestly prayer in Gethsemane.   Reading:

A hero of St Bede’s Ecclesiastical History exemplifies the missionary spirit that should animate the Church today.   Reading: Romans 12:3-13; Luke

Br Bede reflects on the influence of Pope Benedict XVI on his own spiritual journey. As a spiritually inquisitive 15-year-old, I

What does celibacy have to teach us about family life? Br Bede reflects on the example of St Teresa of

In a famous passage of his Confessions, St Augustine wrote: ‘Give what you command, and command what you will’. God’s

Brothers from Oxford joined Dominicans from across the English Province for the first annual pilgrimage to Walsingham since 2019. Archbishop

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