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fr Aidan Nichols, a well-known and prolific writer and theologian, lives and works at the Priory of Saint Dominic, London.

Eleventh Sunday of the Year. Fr. Aidan Nichols preaches on the true honour shown to Christ by the 'woman who

Seventh Sunday of the Year. Fr. Aidan Nichols asks what Catholic morality really is. What is the code of behaviour we as

Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year. Fr. Aidan Nichols preaches on the man who had kept all the commandments and whom Jesus

Third Sunday of Lent. Fr. Aidan Nichols preaches on how the Christian experience of God transcends the limitations of law

Eighteenth Sunday of the Year. Fr. Aidan Nichols preaches on the meaning of Christ's miraculous multiplication of the loaves and fishes. For

Twenty-Ninth Sunday of the Year. Fr. Aidan Nichols preaches a Catholic defence of the Prayer of Petition. The readings of today's

Solemnity of Ss Peter and Paul. Fr. Aidan Nichols preaches on the apostolicity of the Roman Church.  In celebrating Peter and

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