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Fr. Andrew Brookes works in the Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary and St Dominic, London.


Pigs do not appear to have a very high standing in the Bible. They were regarded as unclean. Leviticus

18 months ago, my 10 year old nephew and godson, Leo, said to me that he wanted to choose St

Born in Birmingham during the Second Vatican Council, I was brought up in a family of practising Catholics in the

Readings: Acts 12:1-11; 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18; Matthew 16:13-19 Most of the prominent people in the New Testament get a

At the time of Jesus Pentecost was, and still is for Jews, a feast that celebrated the covenant established between

Christ of Saint John of the Cross was painted by the Spanish Surrealist painter, Salvador Dali in 1951 at a

Paradise Lost - and Restored One of the thieves has just confessed that he is a sinner, justly being punished, and

John 4: 43-54: From Faithless Familiarity to Fervent Faith Today’s gospel documents an interesting range and also shift in opinions and

Today's readings: Exodus17:3-7; Psalm 95:1-10; Romans 5:1-2, 5-8; John 4: 5-42 To be stuck ‘between a rock and a hard place’

Readings: 1 Peter 4:7-11; Psalm 96:1- 10; Luke 5:1-11 St Patrick, a pioneer missionary from Britain to pagan Ireland in the

Here we have a title that does not contain doctrine that needs unpacking, or symbolism that needs uncovering, or biblical

The scriptural basis for this Marian title is Song of Songs 4:4, ‘Your neck is the Tower of David, built

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