Benedict Jonak
fr Benedict Jonak lives at Holy Cross Priory, Leicester, where he is Catholic chaplain to the city's two universities.
Expectant Glory
Second Sunday of Lent. Fr Benedict Jonak argues that our expectation as Christians is nothing less then sharing in the
Don’t Keep Your Distance
Sixth Sunday of Easter. Fr Benedict Jonak speaks of God's desire to have companionship with us. Same say that public speaking
Amazing Grace
The Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). Fr Benedict Jonak links God's gift to the Church of the Eucharist
Waiting for God
Nineteenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Benedict Jonak encourages us to follow the example of Abraham as we look forward
Freedom to Live
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. Fr Benedict Jonak ponders the questions raised by the Passion of Christ. A
Tell All Your Friends
Twelfth Sunday of the Year. Fr Benedict Jonak encourages us to share St Paul's good news with the whole world. Preachers
In the Vanguard
Fourteenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Benedict Jonak finds profound meaning in the sending of the disciples two-by-two. If one wonders