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Fr Benjamin Earl is Procurator General of the Order of Preachers, responsible for representing the Order to the Holy See and for canonical issues in the Order's General Curia

Christmas. Fr Benjamin Earl tells us how God helps us when we can't be bothered to read the manufacturer's instructions. Up

Sixth Sunday of the Year. Fr Benjamin Earl looks at what the calling to be "happy" or "blessed" really means. Today's

Fifth Sunday of Lent. Fr Benjamin Earl preaches on the simple request that triggers Christ's passion. From time to time, probably,

Fifth Sunday of Lent. Fr Benjamin Earl preaches on the role of the Spirit in the Christian life. When we are

Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday). Fr Benjamin Earl explains how through Christmas we can become friends of God. Jesus tells

Twenty-Second Sunday of the Year. Fr Benjamin Earl preaches on the parable that isn't. Or is it? Today's gospel passage is

Epiphany. Fr Benjamin Earl preaches on the sign that proclaims Christ to all the nations. Our Christmas Crib is now complete:

Baptism of the Lord. Fr Benjamin Earl preaches on the three witnesses to Christ. One of the more tedious parts of

Twenty-Second Sunday of the Year. Fr Benjamin Earl preaches on Jesus' rebuke of Peter. St Peter is a figure of contradictions.

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