David Goodill
fr. David Goodill OP is Provincial Bursar of the English Dominicans, and teaches moral theology at Blackfriars, Oxford.
Dancing for Joy
Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday). fr David Goodill looks to the source of our true joy, Jesus Christ. One of
The Love of Learning
Fifteenth Sunday of the Year. fr David Goodill points to the prophetic nature of Jesus' earlier sending of his apostles. We
A Saviour has been Born to You
The Nativity of the Lord. fr David reflects upon how the child Jesus furnishes and decks our souls. The angels have
Respect for Politicians
Twenty-Ninth Sunday of the Year. Fr David Goodill shows us a way of understanding Jesus' saying in regard to paying
Small Boats
Nineteenth Sunday of the Year. fr David shows how the humanity of Jesus Christ communicates the gentle presence of God in
Transforming Hope
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Fr David Goodill argues that the hope given to us in Jesus Christ
Made Great in His Greatness
Thirty-Second Sunday of the Year. Fr David Goodill urges us to see how through Jesus Christ our failures can be
In a Hidden Place
Ash Wednesday. Fr David Goodill outlines how almsgiving, praying and fasting are our particpation in Christ's work of our redemption. Now we
Be Opened
Twenty-Third Sunday of the Year. Fr David Goodill looks at how our hearts are opened by Jesus Christ. When you move
Jesus Stretched Out His Hand
Sixth Sunday of the Year. Fr David Goodill finds inspiration in the life of St Damien de Moloka'i. Most of us
He Looks Down on the Earth
First Sunday of Lent. Fr David Goodill takes us from Eden to the Cross, by way of a high mountain. Last
Know Yourself
Fifth Sunday of Lent. Fr David Goodill shows how Christ humbles the proud and lifts up the lowly from the