Dermot Morrin
fr. Dermot Morrin is Superior in the house of St Albert the Great in Edinburgh.
The Net of Love
Fifth Sunday of the Year. Fr Dermot Morrin preaches on the call of St Peter. This is one of the most
The Ocean of His Love
The Solemnity of Pentecost. Fr Dermot Morrin preaches on the one single mystery of Christ. The disciples feel his breath and
What Do You Think?
Twenty-sixth Sunday of the Year. Fr Dermot Morrin preaches on the parable of the two sons. ‘What do you think?’ In
For the World
Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time. Fr Dermot Morrin meditates upon St Matthew's personal experience of Jesus. ‘You are the salt of
Into the Darkness
Fifth Sunday of Easter. Fr Dermot Morrin preaches on ultimate love. When Judas had gone out, it was night. Judas walked
Not Just our Lips
Twenty-Second Sunday of the Year. Fr Dermot Morrin preaches on the call to imitate the holiness of Christ. It was after
A Baptism for Repentance
The Baptism of the Lord. Fr Dermot Morrin preaches on how Jesus's baptism shows forth his identity and his mission. In
Maundy Thursday 2020
Thursday of the Lord's Supper (Maundy Thursday) | Fr Dermot Morrin contemplates the reality of life-giving charity that is symbolised
Boundlessness in the Boundaries
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) | Fr Dermot Morrin contemplates the God who goes to the boundaries to seek
Facing Jerusalem
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) | Fr Dermot Morrin ponders the significance of the seventy-disciples who are sent
Power of the Ransom
Twenty-Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time (B) | Fr Dermot Morrin on the amazement and fear that Jesus arouses in his
Ash Wednesday | Fr Dermot Morrin reflects on the symbolism of the purple colour that characterises the season of Lent. Purple