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fr. Dermot Morrin is Superior in the house of St Albert the Great in Edinburgh.

Fourth Sunday of Easter (A)  |  Fr Dermot Morrin reflects on the unpacking of the gift of baptism as we

Sixteenth Sunday of the Year. fr Dermot Morrin shows us how Mary understands the true meaning of hospitality. It is while Jesus

Twenty-Fifth Sunday of the Year. fr Dermot Morrin explains how Jesus turns our notions of status upside down. “Who is the

Third Sunday of Advent. fr Dermot helps us to understand the role of John the Baptist and how we are

Sixth Sunday of the Year. Fr Dermot Morrin shows us how Jesus Christ did not merely uphold the law, but

Third Sunday of Easter. Fr Dermot Morrin reflects on how the life of St Peter can help each of us

Solemnity of Ss Peter and Paul. Fr Dermot reflects on how Jesus Christ reveals us to ourselves. Children ask questions all

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Fr Dermot Morrin shows how the Assumption is a fitting climax

Twenty-Seventh Sunday of the Year. Fr Dermot Morrin reminds us that faith is not just for emergencies. The apostles said to

Thirtieth Sunday of the Year. Fr Dermot Morrin proposes Bartimaeus as an example for our discipleship. The character Bartimaeus leaps out

Twenty-First Sunday of the Year. Fr Dermot Morrin preaches on the mystery of faith. For five weeks we have been reading

Twentieth Sunday of the Year. Fr Dermot Morrin suggests that the faith of the Gentile Woman is the true faith

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