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Fr Dominic White is Prior of the Priory of the Holy Spirit, Oxford. He is Acting Director of Research at the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology, the founder of the Cosmos dance project, and patron of Eliot Smith Dance Company.

Third Sunday of Easter. fr Dominic White invites us to rest in the experience of the risen Christ. A friend who

The Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). fr Dominic White reflects on how the Holy Eucharist connects us to God

Twenty-Third Sunday of the Year. fr Dominic White reflects on how honesty in our relationships can be a source of

Solemnity of Christ the King. Fr Dominic White reflects on suffering and our role in redeeming creation (we also publish

Baptism of the Lord. Fr Dominic White helps us to understand what it means to be adopted Children of God. Religion

Holy Thursday. Fr Dominic White encourages us to appreciate the Eucharist with all our senses. In the first Harry Potter film,

Fifth Sunday of Easter. Fr Dominic White is not a fundamentalist. None of us would wish to be called a religious

Thirteenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Dominic White finds that the Spirit frees him to discover who he really is. My friend

Seventeenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Dominic White invites us to appreciate anew the gift of the Eucharist. Even in these

Twenty-Ninth Sunday of the Year. Fr Dominic White withdraws his trust in Mammon and turns to Divine Providence. In the paper

Thirty-First Sunday of the Year. Fr Dominic White invites us to open ourselves to Christ's transforming gaze. I was travelling on

Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year. Fr Dominic White encourages us to find time and space in our lives for the

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