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The Godzdogz team consists of student brothers studying at Blackfriars Studium in Oxford.

To wish you a happy solemnity of All Saints’, the student brothers have compiled a small 'catena' or collection of

News | If you are in Oxford, you might be interested in the following events taking place at Blackfriars this term Blackfriars

News | At the beginning of a new academic year, we would like to introduce the new Godzodgz Team As we

News | On Sunday 13th October, St John Henry Newman was canonised by Pope Francis. Brothers Pablo and Bede flew to

News | On Saturday 21st September, the English Province celebrated the simple profession of Br Daniel Benedict Rowlands and Br John Bernard

The student brothers comment on some of their literary pursuits in the last few months. Adolf Erman, L’Egypte et sa religion By Br

News | On Saturday 10th of August, our Brother Albert Elias made Solemn Profession in the Order of Preachers. On Saturday

As the end of term approaches, the student brothers comment on their latest literary pursuits. John Edward Williams, Stoner By Br Albert

News | Last Friday brothers Albert, Isaac, Vincent and Bede travelled to the parish of our Lady of the Rosary and St

News | On Friday 10th May brothers Thomas, Bede and Albert joined Our Lady of the Rosary and St Dominic parish

News | A new term is underway at Blackfriars and the student brothers have been joined by three new brothers. A

Our Christmas break is over now, and so we start a new series for the coming term on the eight

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