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The Godzdogz team consists of student brothers studying at Blackfriars Studium in Oxford.

Here are some books which the Godzdogz Team has found nourishing spiritual reading. Do share your own ideas with us,

To find out more or book your place: To read about last year's pilgrimage, click here:

The God Matters? series returns for a third year running at Blackfriars, Oxford. These are a great opportunity to think

Last Friday night, Blackfriars was able again to host Nightfever, which is organised each term by the Newman Society, the

A friend just brought my attention to some excellent Advent-themed videos: "Made for Glory". This is another great initiative by

To round off our commentary on the Our Father, we come to the ways it has been set to music.

As I write, Lord Falconer’s “Assisted Dying” Bill is currently scheduled to be debated in the House of Lords this

'The Temptations of Christ' 12th Century mosaic in St Mark's Basilica, Venice,

It almost comes as an afterthought during prayer. And yet it is not. "Forgiveness is the most underrated virtue", a

In England and Wales, the feast of All Saints is being celebrated today (and All Souls tomorrow). With the music

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