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Fr Gregory is Master of Novices of the English Province.

Readings: Isaiah 1: 10. 16-20; Psalm 50; Matthew 23: 1-12 In today’s Mass readings, as indeed in Lent as a whole,

Readings: Isaiah 58: 1-9; Psalm 50 (51); Matthew 9: 14-15 As we enter these forty days of Lent, in which the

Saint Cyril and his brother, Saint Methodius, were both born in Thessalonica in the early years of the 9th century.

This Christmas week the Dominican students of Blackfriars have been preparing the way for Christmas with a series of reflections

John the Baptist, as we have seen, had the special mission of being the Forerunner of the Christ, 'going ahead

St Francis Xavier, whose feast we keep on 3rd December, was born in 1506 in Spain, but as a young

James Field was born near Cheltenham in 1899, and, much to his parents' distress, was received into the Catholic Church

If temperance is the virtue concerned with moderating our physical desires, then where does continence (which seems to be about

Temperance is one of the four cardinal (or, as we might say nowadays, 'key') virtues, along with prudence, justice and

Liberality – the virtue concerned with the right use of money (and, by extension, material goods) – seems like a

If religion is the virtue of giving God his due then what, we might ask, is piety? This is a

People can often be put off Christianity by a perception that it makes moral demands on its followers which it

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