Isidore Clarke
fr. Isidore Clarke is a member of the community at Holy Cross Priory, Leicester.
The Royal Way
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. Fr Isidore Clarke contrasts the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem with
A Tale of Two Brothers
Twenty-Sixth Sunday of the Year. Fr Isidore Clarke hopes that we can avoid being God's problem children. Many parents will give
Baptised for Mission
Baptism of the Lord. Fr Isidore Clarke recalls that we, like Christ, are baptised into the mission of spreading God's
Christ’s sheep regathered
Third Sunday of Easter. Fr Isidore Clarke preaches on three episodes of reconciliation. In Christ's Passion the shepherd had been struck
Call, Revelation and Mission
Epiphany. Fr Isidore Clarke preaches on the various aspects of the celebration of the revealing of Christ to the Gentiles. The word
Good Old Days?
Fifth Sunday of Easter. Fr Isidore Clarke preaches on how a Church of Sinners can also give opportunities for new developments. There's
With him we shall do great things
Fifth Sunday of the Year. Fr Isidore Clarke preaches on the Lord's call of Isaiah and Simon Peter. A church or