John Patrick Kenrick
fr. John Patrick Kenrick is Subprior and Assistant Parish Priest at Holy Cross, Leicester.
Spiritual Athletes?
Twenty-First Sunday of the Year | Fr John-Patrick Kenrick challenges our tendencies to become spiritual couch potatoes. These days far fewer
Sanctuaries of Holiness
Solemnity of All Saints. fr John Patrick Kenrick examines the nature of sainthood. Today we may for once delight in our
What Do You Truly Seek?
Second Sunday of the Year. fr John Patrick show how in searching for God we come to know who we
The Power of God’s Love and Mercy
Fifth Sunday of Lent. Fr John Patrick Kenrick reflects on how the raising of Lazarus from the dead throws light on
Compassion Personified
Tenth Sunday of the Year. Fr John Patrick Kenrick reflects on how through his humanity Jesus Christ communicates the compassion of
Do Not Waver, Hold Fast
Nineteenth Sunday of the Year. Fr John Patrick Kenrick helps us to see the connection between fasting, trusting in God and
Working With God
Twenty-Seventh Sunday of the Year. Fr John Patrick Kenrick suggests that today's parable is not about punishment but hope. In first century
Seize the Day
First Sunday of Advent. As the new liturgical year begins, Fr John Patrick Kenrick reminds us that this may be our
Let Us Be Buried With Christ
Baptism of the Lord. Fr John Patrick Kenrick ponders on the meaning of Christ's baptism. According to St John's Gospel, John the
Not to Dazzle but to Die
Second Sunday of Lent. Fr John Patrick Kenrick preaches on our Lenten sacrifices. Our readiness to make sacrifices for those we claim
The Perfect Community
Pentecost Sunday. Fr John Patrick Kenrick wonders what difference Pentecost makes. For Christians Pentecost is the day the Spirit descended on Our
Delightfully Unrecognizable
Third Sunday of Easter. Fr John Patrick Kenrick preaches on the way in which we are transformed by divine love. Every now