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Fr Lawrence Lew is the Editor of the Province's magazine 'The Dominicans' and Co-ordinator of the Province's Internet Apostolate. He is also the Dominican Order's Promoter General for the Holy Rosary, and author of ‘Mysteries Made Visible’ (CTS 2021).

The annual Dominican Seminar for friars, sisters and laity of the Order took place in Hinsley Hall, Leeds from the

Dominican friars from five houses in England and two houses in Scotland gathered in St Dominic's Priory, London, on 17

Above is a live recording from Second Vespers of Christmas celebrated in Blackfriars, Oxford. This is the responsory sung after

The Fourth Sunday of Advent recalls the Annunciation when the Word of God took flesh in the womb of the

The Vespers hymn for Advent, 'Conditor alme siderum', dates to the 7th-century. This hymn spans all of salvation history, from creation

On 5 December, the community at Blackfriars Oxford marked the end of term with solemn Vespers and carols, followed by

"Truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see, and did not see

During Advent, it is customary in some places to sing the 11th-century antiphon, 'Alma Redemptoris Mater', in honour of the

On the first Sunday of Advent, as the Church begins a new liturgical year, the English Dominican Province is happy

Each year, the community of Blackfriars in Oxford celebrates Thanksgiving with students of the Hall and Studium many of whom

Godzdogz readers may recall an announcement on this blog about the sudden death of fr John Martin McGowan OP on

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