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Fr Lawrence Lew is the Editor of the Province's magazine 'The Dominicans' and Co-ordinator of the Province's Internet Apostolate. He is also the Dominican Order's Promoter General for the Holy Rosary, and author of ‘Mysteries Made Visible’ (CTS 2021).

Ash Wednesday. fr Lawrence Lew helps us to see how Lent is the season in which we learn to die

The Ascension of the Lord. fr Lawrence asks in what sense we should look for the coming of the Lord. A

Seventeenth Sunday of the Year. fr Lawrence Lew reflects on what makes us truly rich. God marvels that Solomon, although he was

Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year. Fr Lawrence Lew reflects upon how God invites us to co-operate in the work of our

Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday). Fr Lawrence Lew argues that following Christ is not about being 'nice', but involves our

Second Sunday of Lent. Fr Lawrence Lew speaks to us of mountains. Mountaineering is a transcendent experience. On a human level, we

Readings: 1 Thess. 1:1-5. 8b-10; Ps 149; Mt 23:13-22 There are many images of Mary being crowned, not least in the

It's often said in the Order that one should beware of making suggestions lest one be asked to implement them.

In psalm 147:10 there is this striking line: His [The Lord's] delight is not in the strength of the horse, nor

The English Dominican Pilgrimage to World Youth Day (WYD) in Madrid will run from 12-22 August 2011, and a group

Narnia and its cast of talking animals may have some Scriptural basis, it seems, for in 22nd chapter of the

Saint Chad (d.672), a saint from Northumbria, is called the Apostle to the Midlands because he established his diocese at

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