Lawrence Lew
Fr Lawrence Lew is the Editor of the Province's magazine 'The Dominicans' and Co-ordinator of the Province's Internet Apostolate. He is also the Dominican Order's Promoter General for the Holy Rosary, and author of ‘Mysteries Made Visible’ (CTS 2021).
Readings: Exodus 3:1-8, 13-15; Psalm 102 (103); 1 Corinthians 10:1-6, 10-12; Luke 13:1-9 This week we are almost half-way through our
Lent Retreat – Week 1, Thursday
Readings: Esther 4:17; Psalm 137; Matthew 7:7-12 Bread and fish. These are the two things which Jesus singles out in his
The Dominican Brother: 3 Brother Angel F. Méndez Montoya
Movement, and pioneering new frontiers, is written into the life story and faith journey of Br Angel Méndez Montoya OP.
Blessed Jordan of Saxony and his Love Letters
In a recent post on Godzdogz and in the comments that followed, we touched on issues of sexuality, love and
Natural Law and the Government’s Laws
"Your country is well known for its firm commitment to equality of opportunity for all members of society. Yet as
Our brother, the Dumb Ox!
This statue of the great Dominican friar and Doctor of the Church, St Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274), surmounts the
Province Day 2009
Christmas, it is said, is a time for family. It's not often that the brothers of the English Province manage
Dominican Seminar 2010 – The Prodigal Son
This year's Dominican Seminar in Leeds looked at the writing and theology of St Luke. In the opening session, we
Dominican Seminar 2010
Like the three Magi who journeyed to the manger to find the Christ Child, thirty Dominicans journeyed to a snowy
Celebrating Priesthood – Fr Stephen
A priest of the Province, who wishes to remain anonymous, offers this reflection of a priest (whose name below has
Celebrating Priesthood in Fiction – Fr Brown
fr Richard Ounsworth OP, who teaches Scripture and Greek in Blackfriars, Oxford, and who is concurrently pursuing a doctorate in