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fr Leo Edgar is an assistant priest at St Dominic's, London.

Twenty-Seventh Sunday of the Year. fr Leo Edgar urges the need for prayerful contempation when reflecting on the nature of

Ash Wednesday. Fr Leo invites us to see Lent as a time when we come before God in a spirit of

The Ascension of the Lord. Fr Leo Edgar argues that the gift of imagination is essential in helping us to understand

Fifteenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Leo Edgar examines how the excess baggage of modern life can get in the way

Twenty-Second Sunday of the Year. Fr Leo Edgar warns us against making the Gospel too cosy.Let me make this absolutely

Thirtieth Sunday of the Year. Fr Leo Edgar warns us about the danger of spiritual pride. Doesn't it seem strange how incredibly

Thirty-Second Sunday of the Year. Fr Leo Edgar finds in the Gospel a challenge to the modern world. 'Jar of meal shall

Epiphany. Fr Leo Edgar preaches the wonder of the Incarnation to all creation. If one was to ask the average teenager today

Second Sunday of Lent. Fr Leo Edgar encourages us to keep looking upwards. When Sir Edmund Hilary died recently, the writers of

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