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Little flower? She was as tough as old boots! - Fr Denis Geraghty OP, Lourdes 2009 As Oxford prepares to welcome

Brother Robert Verrill has been interviewed by the BBC about the monastic taster weekends at Worth Abbey. In other news: a

As September 11th came around again, we remembered the 2,993 men, women and children who died in the terrorist atrocities

This month Br. Lawrence discusses his vocation and journey to solemn profession in an article for Catholic Life entitled A

"The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus” On the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart 2009, the Holy Father

Study is one of the central components of Dominican spirituality. To be studious is to be appropriately eager to study.

In 1790, the revolutionary government of France enacted a law denying Papal authority over the Church in France. The

Virginity is not seen in a positive light by many in society. The first of the seemingly endless series of

John Paul II, a handy goalkeeper in his youth, often lauded the positive aspects of sport:The correct practice of

The recent deaths of Henry Allingham and Harry Patch, the last surviving First World War veterans in Britain, marked the

When a chick pecks its way out of an egg, it is performing an action that is much more than

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