Peter Clarke
Fr Peter Clarke worked for many years in the English Province's mission in the West Indies. May he rest in peace.
Extraordinary Time Begins
Baptism of the Lord. Fr Peter Clarke sees the Baptism of the Lord as the beginning of a three-year long epiphany. Christmastide!
Not for Eating
Ash Wednesday. Fr Peter Clarke preaches on the meaning of the imposition of ashes. It happens to me every year. On Ash
Heralding the Reign of God
Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday). Fr Peter Clarke preaches on our true spiritual preparation for Christmas. I was halfway through preaching
Disturbing Rustic Parable
Sixteenth Sunday of the Year. Fr Peter Clarke asks whether the parable of the wheat and the weeds has an application
A Homely God
Sixth Sunday of Easter. Fr Peter Clarke preaches on the God who makes his home in us. Many's the time I've been