Robert Verrill
fr Robert Verrill is the Prior of Blackfriars, Cambridge, and teaches philosophy at Blackfriars, Oxford.
Thursday after Ash Wednesday
Deut. 30:15-20, Ps. 1:1-4,6, Lk. 9:22-25 Lent is a time in the liturgical year especially associated with repentance. By repenting, we
What would St Thomas make of Pleasantville?
I recently saw the film Pleasantville for the first time. It's about two 1990's teenagers, David and Jennifer, who are
28th January – Saint Thomas Aquinas
I'm afraid I have to own up to the fact that before I joined the Dominican Order, I knew very
In our last blog post on blessings, we reflected on how blessings may play a bigger role in our daily
The Holy Innocents
1 Jn 1:5-2:2, Ps 123:2-5,7-8, Mt 2:13-18 The Feast of the Holy Innocents is a powerful reminder of the great challenge
Christmas Day – God became man so that men might become gods
Isaiah 52:7-10, Psalm 97:1-6, Hebrews 1:1-6, John 1:1-18 God became man so that men might become gods. These words of St
Second Week of Advent – Friday – ‘Wisdom is justified by her deeds’
Readings: Isaiah 48:17-19, Ps 1, Matthew 11:16-19 If you want to live as part of a happy community, usually it's a
What Are You Going To Watch?
First Sunday of Advent. Fr Robert Verrill tells us why Jesus's death on the Cross is a little like television. Jesus
First Sunday of Advent: What Are You Going To Watch?
Br. Robert has provided this week's sermon for Torch, the English Dominicans’ site offering online sermons for Sundays and Holy
It’s New Year’s Eve!
Daniel 7:15-27; Daniel 3:82-87; Luke 21:34-36Today is New Year's Eve (well New Year's Eve of the liturgical year at any
Prisons Week of Prayer
This week is Prisons Week: An ecumenical week of prayer in England and Wales for prisoners and prison ministry. It
Deacon’s Homily, Thursday 30th week Year 1
Rm 8:31-39, Ps 108:21-22,26-27,30-31, Lk 13:31-35In today's Gospel, two animals are mentioned – a fox and a hen. Now there's