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Fr Samuel Burke is assigned to the Priory of St Albert the Great in Edinburgh, and serves as a chaplain in the Royal Navy.

After hearing the Angel's news, Our Lady carries Our Lord in her womb "with haste" into the "hill country" to

Br Samuel Burke OP sees the third fall of Jesus as a cause for sorrow, which can turn to repentance

Gospel Reading: John 5:1-3, 5-16 Today, St. John’s Gospel presents us with a miracle and a controversy. Miracles are controversial enough

The encounter between the Angel Gabriel and the Blessed Virgin Mary changed human history forever. It provides the setting of

Readings: Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 49; Mt 23:1-12 “They preach but do not practise” [Mt 23:3] says Our Lord in today's Gospel, describing the

What is the purpose of abstaining from certain pleasures during Lent? Along with prayer and almsgiving, we abstain during Lent

It might seem surprising to have a post about protecting the unborn child in a series about Gospel Joy.  It

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is an image etched deeply in the minds of many Catholics. The devotion emphasises the

Today we invoke the prayers of Our Lady under the title “Mother of God”. It seems fitting that Our Lady

Readings: Isaiah 7:10-14; Psalm 23:1-6; Romans 1:1-7; Matthew 1:18-24 On the fourth Sunday of Advent, we read St. Matthew’s Gospel in which the

Readings: Isaiah 48:17-19; Psalm 1:1-4,6; Matthew 11:16-19 You just can’t please some people. One can sense Our Lord’s frustration in today’s

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