Tuesday of the Second Week of Advent: The Vulnerable Flock


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Readings: Isaiah 40: 1 -11; Psalm 96; Matthew 18: 12-14 In today’s Gospel Christ, the good shepherd, invites us

On this Second Sunday of Advent, Br Toby Lees OP explains the true trajectory of Advent as a preparation for

Readings: Isaiah 30:19-26, Matthew 9:35-10:8.  Wouldn’t it be great if God sent faxes? Wouldn’t it be wonderfully reassuring to know that,

Readings: Isaiah 29:17-24; Psalm 27; Matthew 9:27-31 It is curious that the blind men in today’s gospel passage address Jesus as

Readings: Is 25:6-10A; Ps 23; Mt 15:29-37. Don't you think that it must sound really great! God will provide a feast

Readings: Isaiah 11:1-10; Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Luke 10:21-24.

Readings: Isaiah 4: 2 - 6; Psalm 122; Matthew 8: 5 - 11 Today’s passage from chapter eight of Matthew’s

  “Wow! Bit of a TARDIS you've got here here, pal!” So exclaimed one recent visitor to our church in Oxford.

Advent is the opening liturgical season of the Church’s year. It has its own distinct character and popular piety

After a few lines of introduction Luke kicks off his Gospel with two Annunciations: in the first the angel Gabriel

Below is a post written by fr Robert Gay OP, which Godzdogz ran, back in 2006,  under the title "It's

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