Let us weep before the God who made us (*Ps 94:6)


Built on the four pillars of our Dominican life – preaching, prayer, study, and community – Godzdogz offers many resources for exploring the Catholic Faith today. Read more.

By Br Daniel Benedict Rowlands, O.P | "Sin, even venial sin, is the only real sadness in life, the only enemy of peace,

By Br John Bernard Church, O.P | Are indulgences just a relic of the medieval imagination? Two articles of the Apostle's

By Br Vincent Antony Löning, O.P. | The fourth of our series of meditations on the Gospel. In a world ravaged

Br Daniel Benedict Rowlands, O.P | Heaven is, in a certain sense, individual for each and every one. Every time we pray,

By Br Thomas Thérèse Mannion | In the third of our series of Gospel meditations, Br Thomas reflects on the

By Br Bede Mullens, OP | ‘What does it profit me that Christ was born of the Virgin, if he is not

By Br Pablo Rodríguez Jordá | In the second of our series of Gospel meditations, Br Pablo reflects about the

News | Blackfriars Hall has just launched a new fundraising campaign to respond to the impact the Covid-19 crisis will

By Br Albert Elias Robertson, O.P | In the first of our new series of reflections on the Thursday Gospel, Br

By Br Vincent Antony Löning | 'Sometimes we may feel we’ve dug ourselves into a tight spot. Sometimes this spot

News | A somewhat unusual term has begun at Blackfriars, but the student brothers are once more ready to bring

News | Below you can find Br Bede's reflection for the Rosary Vigil that took place in Blackfriars Oxford on

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