St Bede and the Eagerness of Study


Built on the four pillars of our Dominican life – preaching, prayer, study, and community – Godzdogz offers many resources for exploring the Catholic Faith today. Read more.

By Br Pablo Rodríguez Jordá, O.P. | One of the most learned men of his time, the Venerable Bede can

By Br John Bernard Church, O.P | In the second episode of our series on Dominicans and their peculiar pursuits, we

By Br Pablo Rodríguez Jordá, O.P. | Br Pablo writes about one of his favourite books, The Lord of the

By Br Bede Mullens, O.P. | In the first episode of our new series on Dominicans and their peculiar pursuits, we

By Br Bede Mullens, O.P. | Among the depictions of Christ in the Roman catacombs, one not uncommonly finds him

News | A new academic term means a new post series: find out more about the latest projects the student

By Br Albert Elias Robertson, O.P. | Br Albert reflects on some lockdown reading —Boccacio's Decameron—, the psalms, art and the

By Br Bede Mullens, O.P. | Narcissism can be one of the pitfalls of a false self-knowledge. St Catherine of

The Seven Last Words | From the Friday before Palm Sunday until Holy Saturday, the student brothers offer you a daily

The Seven Last Words | From the Friday before Palm Sunday until Holy Saturday, the student brothers offer you a daily

The Seven Last Words | From the Friday before Palm Sunday until Holy Saturday, the student brothers offer you a daily

By Br Albert Elias Robertson, O.P. | As we begin the Sacred Paschal Triduum, Br Albert reflects on what it

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