Can fasting be in vain?


Built on the four pillars of our Dominican life – preaching, prayer, study, and community – Godzdogz offers many resources for exploring the Catholic Faith today. Read more.

Friday after Ash WednesdayReadings: Isaiah 58:1-9; Psalm 50; Matthew 9:14-15'Why have we fasted, if you do not see, why mortify

Feast of the Chair of St PeterReadings: 1 Peter 5:1-4; Psalm 23; Matthew 16:13-19. The Lord said to Simon Peter: I

Ash Wednesday Readings: Joel 2:12-18; 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18. ‘Come back to me with all your heart, fasting, weeping, mourning’

Beginning on Ash Wednesday, Godzdogz will offer a reflection on the Mass readings of each day. We would like to draw

Lent is begining tomorrow. It has always been a special time for those preparing to receive baptism. Br. David Rocks

The office of Compline is sung at Blackfriars, Oxford each Wednesday in the eight teaching weeks of term. It is

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - 18 February 2007Readings: 1 Samuel 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23; Psalm 102; 1 Corinthians 15:45-49;

For those interested: "Godzdogz" has been nominated in this year's Catholic Blog Awards. If you should be so inclined, please pop

Yet another Quodlibet! Answer provided by Br. Gregory MurphyQuestion: InChristation is the other side of Incarnation. God became man so that

One of the friends of our community in Oxford asked us a very interesting question. We would like to extend

Godzdogz has had a question about the way in which priests are prepared for the celebration of the sacrament of

"The Rule of the Friars Preachers. And this is their Rule: to live virtuously, to learn, to teach."These words of