Built on the four pillars of our Dominican life – preaching, prayer, study, and community – Godzdogz offers many resources for exploring the Catholic Faith today. Read more.
“Be fruitful and multiply”: an Irresponsible Command?
By Br John Bernard Church, O.P. | It seems increasingly common to hear people express the sentiment “I’m not going to
The God Who Speaks: Popularity, Jealousy and Conflict
By Br Thomas Thérèse, O.P. | Looking at the readings of the day Br. Thomas focuses on three themes: popularity, jealousy and
Remembering George Orwell
By Br Albert Robertson, O.P. | This week marks seventy years since the death of George Orwell. Br Albert writes
St Patrick’s Breastplate
By Br Gabriel Theis, O.P. | As often absent-minded creatures, we need good and simple prayers to focus on the important
The God Who Speaks: In Victory and Defeat
By Br Pablo Rodríguez Jordá, O.P. | Today’s Mass readings from 1 Samuel speak of the defeat of the Israelites at
Bede Jarrett: A Model of Religious Obedience
By Br Bede Mullens, O.P. | Bede Jarrett, the founder of Blackfriars, Oxford, can be an example to us all
Quodlibets: Send us your questions!
Quodlibets | The Student Brothers are resuming a series in which they respond to readers' own questions. It was customary in
New Year, New Series
News | The student brothers are pleased to announce many exciting series coming up soon on Godzdogz. With the holidays over,
Two transcendentals for Twelfth Night
By Br Daniel Benedict Rowlands, O.P. | To borrow from St Gregory Nazianzen, in a turn of phrase much loved
The Most Holy Name of Jesus
By Br Gabriel Theis, O.P. | The Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, which the Church celebrates on the
Mary, Mother of God: Contemplation amidst Chaos
By Br John Bernard Church, O.P. | Our nativity scenes tend to tell an incomplete story. The reality of Mary’s motherhood
O Magnum Mysterium
By Br Pablo Rodríguez Jordá, O.P. | ‘O great mystery and wonderful sacrament, that animals should see the newborn Lord,