Gospel Reflection
Built on the four pillars of our Dominican life – preaching, prayer, study, and community – Godzdogz offers many resources for exploring the Catholic Faith today. Read more.
Who Does God Love?
Christ's washing of the disciples' feet, which the Church re-presents each year on Maundy Thursday, is intimately connected with the
The Leap of Love
‘What do you want me to do for you?’ Br Augustine wonders how we might begin to answer Jesus’ question. Readings:
The feast of Jesus Christ, Eternal High Priest
Br Reginald reflects on Christ as eternal high priest and how the incarnation fulfills our priestly nature. Reading: Jer 31:31-34 The following
Uniformity and Diversity in the One Church
Our Lord calls us to be One Church, as the Triune God is One. True unity among Christians, then, requires
The Gospel of St Mark
Mark’s Gospel is written to tell the story not only of Jesus in his own life, but of our lives
Truth – The Source of Unity
How does the mute man's speech relate to the unity of the Kingdom? Reading: Luke 11:14-23 The following homily was preached to
Where do I put the foundations of my life?
The prophet Jeremiah curses the one who puts his trust in man, and blesses the one who puts his trust
What do we celebrate on the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter?
We celebrate the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter every year, but do we know what it is that
A Season of Giving … Up
Thursday after Ash Wednesday. Br Augustine thinks Lent, like Christmas, is a season of giving. How do they differ and
The Syrophoenician Woman: Advocate of the Nations
If Israel has priority in eating the bread of the word of God, how can Jesus simultaneously feed the Gentiles?
The Way of the Preacher
The Scriptures seem to highlight a connection between preaching and evangelical poverty. Br Jerome reflects on why a life of
Where is my Damascus moment?
As he is on the road to Damascus, God intervenes dramatically in St Paul's life. It might make one wonder: