By His Design, For Us

Gospel Reflection

Built on the four pillars of our Dominican life – preaching, prayer, study, and community – Godzdogz offers many resources for exploring the Catholic Faith today. Read more.

The Priesthoood of all the Baptised and the Hierarchical Priesthood are participations in the priesthood of Christ but in different

How must a Christian brag? St Edmund Campion gives his witness. Reading: Luke 9:23-26 The following homily was preached to the student

The perspective of the coming of the Lord, both on the Last Day and in our earthly life, can be

"For Christ had compassion upon the Jews, who wills that all men should be saved. Which had not been plain

St Paul's letter to Philemon reminds us of our dignity as children of God. Therefore, we should also take care

Human wisdom is a vacuous proliferation of words, if not ordered to the silent wisdom of the cross of Christ. Readings:

In today's Gospel, Jesus laments over the city of Jerusalem, with words that are striking for their maternal imagery. The

What does celibacy have to teach us about family life? Br Bede reflects on the example of St Teresa of

Returning again and again to the heart of the Gospel like St. Paul at the beginning of his letter to

Zechariah becomes deaf and mute since he does not believe in the good news brought to him by the angel.

The Our Father is probably the prayer most well known and yet, we still struggle to pray. We find it

Christ offering himself to the Father is central to the meaning of the mass. As this eternal sacrifice is made

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