Called to Follow Him in Service

Lent - Holy Thursday

Torch provides a new Catholic homily each week written specially for this web site by Dominican friars, and read by followers worldwide. Read more.

Holy Thursday. Fr Isidore Clarke helps us to see how Christ's washing of His disciples feet is a key to

Holy Thursday. Fr Dominic White encourages us to appreciate the Eucharist with all our senses. In the first Harry Potter film,

Holy Thursday. Fr Lawrence Lew ponders on the symbolism of footwashing. My mother used to remind me before every meal to wash

Holy Thursday. Fr Fergus Kerr finds sharing a meal a profoundly significant occasion. On Holy Thursday, throughout the Catholic world, we

Holy Thursday. Fr Anthony Axe sees in the washing of the disciples' feet a powerful sign of our own calling. At

Holy Thursday. Fr Austin Milner writes of the depth of God's love shown to us at the Last Supper. This evening

Holy Thursday. Fr Allan White preaches on the intimate link between the washing of feet and the institution of the

Holy Thursday. Fr Simon Gaine tells of the gift that we offer, and are offered, in the Eucharist. The Gospel brings

Holy Thursday. Fr Fabian Radcliffe preaches on the unity in love between Christ and his Church brought about by the

Holy Thursday. Fr Vivian Boland preaches on the profound sign of a wonderful reality. Have you ever tried to get a

Holy Thursday. Fr Peter Hunter preaches on the washing of feet as a sign of Christ's love for us. In Gosford Park,

Holy Thursday. Fr John Patrick Kenrick preaches on our Lord's washing of the feet of his disciples. A recent TV documentary asked

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