Lent Week 3 Sunday – A spring of water welling up to eternal life


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Readings: Exodus 17:3-7; Psalm 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9; Romans 5:1-2, 5-8; John 4:5-42As human beings we all want to find happiness

Readings: Micah 7:14-15, 18-20; Psalm 103; Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 Today's gospel, the Prodigal Son, must surely be one of the best

Readings: Genesis 37:3-4, 12-13, 17-28; Ps 105; Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46 Christianity has provided society with many benefits – schools, hospitals, wonderful

Readings: Jeremiah 17:5-10; Ps 1; Luke 16:19-31 At the core of human nature is a fundamental dis-ease, a nagging loneliness, an

Readings: Jeremiah 18:18-20; Psalm 30; Matthew 20:17-28I find today’s gospel quite funny, it has the air of a black comedy

Readings: Isaiah 1:10, 16-20; Psalm 50; Matthew 23:1-12 The phrase “practise what you preach” has become something of a cliché: sound

Readings: Daniel 9:4-10; Ps 78; Luke 6:36-38 In his first letter to the Corinthians Saint Paul says that 'knowledge puffs up

Readings: Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116; Romans 8:31b-34; Mark 9:2-10Our readings today give us much food for thought.

Readings: Deuteronomy 26: 16-19; Psalm 119: 1-8; Matthew 5: 43-48 Today’s Gospel passage, in which Jesus tells us to love our

Readings: Ezekiel 18:21-28; Ps 130; Matthew 5:20-26As naturally social creatures we need laws and regulations but these are only ways

Readings: Esther C: 12, 14-16, 23-25; Psalm 138; Matthew 7:7-12 Today’s Gospel, taken from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew,

Readings: Jonah 3:1-10; Ps 51; Luke 11:29-32It has often been remarked that the book of Jonah has at least a

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